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Nintendo Switch

Found 12 results

  1. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    I don't know if speed runs are a good yard stick for judging game length dude. In fact, it might be the worst thing to use as many speed runs include glitches, skipping huge parts of the game, game breaking and exploiting bugs ? Even in the best case scenario of none of these examples being used, speed runs rely on skipping anything you're not locked into and that is the main reason midgar would take 2 hours. Long-winded story, back and forth and being unable to leave midgar til after shinra tower. Then you can just ignore most everything and skip through dialog like crazy. Especially in the HD version with triple speed lol
  2. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    Pretty sure you're overstating it a bit ? Like yeah, its valid that Midgar is content rich and I agree completely but to claim that Midgar's content is equal to half the other areas in the the first disc.. just, no dude. All the Fort Condor battles, Chocobo Farming/Racing, Midgar Zolem and Mithril Mines, Gongaga and the Turks, Junon sea serpent boss and soldier masquerade, Cargo Ship, Mt Corel Barrett story, Golden Saucer dating and all the minigames and battles within, Corel Prison, Nibelhiem, Nibelhiem mansion, Mount Nibel, Yuffie/Vincent, Cave of the Gi, Wutai.. Thats me glossing over it too. Midgar is specifically two missions with Avalanche, Midgar tunnels, meeting and protecting Aerith at the church, Return to Avalanche HQ, the side quest lead up to Don Corneo, Shinra Tower, the escape and that's it. Sure all the Midgar areas are detailed and meaningful and a lot of the subsequent towns are throw away stops but the areas between them aren't. Midgar is like a quarter of the first disc content-wise. It really is only the first 5-6 hours, it's just more memorable but still prologue. I mean, Corel/Prison, Nibelhiem/Mt Nibel and Junon is just as much content as Midgar really. I agree with it being bullshit too that Square claim not to know how many entries it'll be. Like seriously, there is no way they haven't sat there with a storyboard and divied it up estimate-wise. They could at least give people a ballpark estimate within two games. Still, I like you will try and be optimistic til after i've played the first episode. It does look better than I thought and I am onboard with them fleshing out the story a bit, just reluctant for it to be a $200 game lol I like that Jesse, Biggs and Wedge are getting attention and all the details of the beginning area. I honestly would love them to do the same to the rest of the game too but i'm just trying to be realistic as to how they're breaking the game up based on them making Midgar the first episode as I really thought it'd go at least til Junon. If Episode 2 is just up until Junon or if Gold Saucer or Nibelhiem is its own episode i'll facepalm hard. I just hope they don't price it too high and don't have a lot of faith that they won't and really.. i'm surprised they didn't release Cris Core HD prior. Like really.. wtf
  3. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    No. It's not even a 10th of the game. The first disc ended at the Temple of the Ancients after Midgar, Kalm, Junon, Costa del Sol, Corel, The Golden Saucer, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim and finally Rocket Town. There were 2 discs after that although the final disc was mainly endgamel, Midgar was still only the first 5-6 hours of a 55-80 hour game. I am pretty wary of Square doing this because if Square make every 5-6 hours of content a separate episode, we're looking at a 10-15 episode game and you know they'll charge out the ass for it. Episodic games are $10-15 per episode here but I think Square will go for $20-30 claiming that each episode is like its own game. Either way, it'll be hundreds of dollars.. I just don't get Square. They act like overworlds are too hard to do yet keep putting them in Dragon Quest games, meanwhile, Level 5 and Bamco have never had a problem putting them in Ni No Kuni or Tales games. Then Square act like they need to retell or flesh out a story and remake everything and they.. don't.. really. I mean throw in some tie in lore to Crisis Core, Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus and just give the game a visual makeover and everyone would have been happy and it likely would have been finished by now. But no, they'd rather retcon the game and make a completely new game and while on the one hand it's cool that they'd do that, on the other FF7 is a cult hit. If they fuck anything up too badly, half the fan base will lose their shit.. I can already see what will happen. They'll charge people out the ass and ignore criticism while every noob on the planet wows over the graphics with little to no regard to games that came before it.. just like they always do. It's annoying and while I think the remake will probably be awesome, I think this is going to be a brutal milking of a fan-base. Keep some chapstick handy for those nipples! The whole game will cost the same as a console here >_>
  4. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    One can hope. Especially that the additional DQ11 content gets released on other platforms eventually, even if as paid DLC lol
  5. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    Oh nice! I'll have to pick that up in the near future @Kyle Yeah I know what you mean. I do still play Record Keeper and Dissidia Opera Omnia. I deleted Brave Exvia and that other weird 3D one they put on steam (And still don't put Opera Omnia, a far better game on Steam -_- ) I have been meaning to play through Dimensions 1 and 2 but i'll leave that for a blind Let's Play I think. Played Star Ocean for a bit but the rates are garbage and I got shitty and haven't played in ages lol SE have the most fucked up priorities TBH because even in their mobile division they fail constantly. Before Adventure of Mana was released (ONLY on smart phones and Vita despite being the prequel to the Secret of Mana 3D remake they made) they had Rise of Mana which looked great and I was hyped for, but much like many other games they made, FF: Before Crisis, Chaos Rings 1-3/O and several other games they just let them die and never release them on anything else. I really hope the FTC rules against all these shitty micro-transations because i'm sick of devs releasing drip feed content trying to screw people out of money. I would rather play a f2p game that had paid DLC packs that contained new content or just pay for the game from the get go. All this penny stealing shit is so annoying and the second its no longer profitable they axe it and the games aren't playable anymore. Its bullshit. Between the mobile division getting focus and their games division flailing, I think that SE is the next company that needs a huge upset to get things back on track. They own so damn many Enix, Taito, Eidos, etc IPs and do nothing with them. They've just clung to a few series and push them like crazy and still aren't satisfied. I think that first Tomb Raider retcon, which was a great game btw, shipped like 3 million units or something and Square called it a commercial failure. It's nuts. I just hope whatever bullshit shady Konami-ish corporate influence disappears soon because I want more games that rule. That said, we're getting an FF7 remake with rumors of an FF8 remake, got a Mana remake and a prequel remake with Seiken Densetsu 3 to get a remake in the future. Tomb Raider got a sequel..I want new Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, etc and a god damn Lufia/Soul Blazer collection and Square to stop making Dragon Quest a soft Nintendo exclusive. I mean they remade Dragon Quest 1 - 3 for IOS and Android only? And then remade 4-6 for 3DS only and then only ported them to IOS/Android. Its super shitty considering that Dragon Quest gained traction again after 8 was released on PS2.. I dunno man.. I just hope Square sort their shit out. I know so many people that have just given up on them, but I hold hope for the series I love at least. Still, Fromsoft and Bamco are my favourite devs now. Souls and Tales haven't really deviated much and continue to produce better and better games ❤️
  6. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    Nope! I would be a little more butthurt if I didn't now know Comrades is a permanent part of the Windows edition as that kinda makes up for it but it seems kinda shit to just cut the secondary season bass to sell alone off DLC. Like if they're not going to complete the other 3, there is really is no other season..Season passes piss me off anyways. I'd rather them charge $10-15 more and it just be ALL the DLC. Still with Comrades included it would have brought the seasons to 4 DLCs each which is pretty damn good.. or would have been if the last 3 ever got made Yeah Square with the way they're going are going to be screwed when Nomura leaves or dies. Really they should have up and comers working with and under him as apprentices for the future of the company./ I always preferred his character designs to Amano's. In fact, when I finally get around to Let's Playing 6, I have it modded with 'A World Reborn' which fixes the ugly art, character sprites and a lot more. I considered doing a hybrid Nomura/Amano build but I have since resigned myself. I fucking hate shit shitty androgenous elf designs for even the manliest characters. They're fine for logos but not much else. Probably an unpopular opinion XD
  7. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    Ultros IS the best XD Yeah, I can agree with all of that. I really wouldn't have minded them push it back 2 years so they could actually complete it. Bailing right at the end when people had already paid for already announced DLC was truly poor form. Even with the director gone, he would have had plans and someone could have and should have taken over. It makes me worry for how they intend to make FF7RE episodic but there is a lot that worries me about that, using the battle system of FF15 being one of them (I wouldn't have minded something similar to FF12's TBH to pace up battles) With the way the game has been butchered, you'd think with all the profits Square made on it, they'd want to patch it up as much as possible so it's at least remembered as complete in the history books. That said though, apparently, Windows Edition comes with Comrades permanently built in and just gets all the extra content and bosses free so i'll probably just replay it on Steam. At least then I can rock 4k and playing it from the beginning see all the new scenes in a more complete sense. Maybe knowing what I already know i'll pick up on things that weren't eluded to properly at launch or added in later. I do genuinely like a lot of the story and characters. Like most characters actually. Prompto, Ignis, Gladiolus, Iris, Aranea, Noctis, Regis, Lunafreya, etc.. they were all great, though Gladiolus' hate boner for Noct in the later game got old fast. It was just launched half baked as a cash grab and suffered for that and it sucks. It does make me look forward to FF16 though and cross my fingers that the Agni's Philosophy 2012 tech demo becomes a full game ❤️ I feel like with better guidance, the game could have been steered in a better way. Everything was too abrupt or not abrupt enough. Even Ignis being blinded was like a random mistake at the end of the game and now your bud is permanently blind and everyone hates you for it. So much stuff like that just missed the mark. It could have been executed better and more dramatically and maybe not had friendly AI switch from happy go lucky voice lines to pure disdain forever from there on lol. I fucking hated that whole no weapons jump scare part too. Completely shitty. It would have been fine but if they cut it by 2/3rds of the time it took to complete. It was too long with too many similar corridors with too many shitty magitech knights. It was cool seeing them up close but 15 minutes in that shit was tiresome. An hour and a half later I was completely over it and for it all to end with randomly being trapped in a crystal with all your tired and injured buddies just left there with demons approaching was whack. I loved the first half so much..What happened? It's a shame they never made the events of the Platinum demo part of the actual game too. I feel like these days Square blows half the budget on pretty androgynous main characters and markets them like crazy without having much cool stuff to back them up. They did it with 13 as well. There were toys, apparel, statues everywhere at launch and everyone that liked it, they liked it just because, but then a ways into the game many gave up. I had two friends who bought the collectors edition just give half of it away and they hate the game now. I don't mind it, like 15 it had its flaws (and I scored a free CE hardcover guide) but they need to market the story, not the characters. The story needs to matter. It's why FF7, 8 and 9 were great. 10 started to get rocking with a lot of "just because" shit. Like Tidus being the dream of Bahamut from 1000 years ago sucked into the past by sin, a creature that exists because yu yevon wants to maintain a cycle of death and feed off the dead and in the end after everything is set right Tidus high fives his dad and stops existing and FUCKING WHAT?! 12 had it going back to meaningful story then 13 came along and retconned their story twice til hardly anyone cared. Square need to cut that shit out lol Fuck I could rant about this shit forever XD
  8. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

  9. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    Hahaha! I realize that when I am writing about this I come off as snarky as possible and I am doing it on purpose because I find it hilarious. Something about that level of passionate butthurt is fun to write and retarded to read back to one's self. To be honest I really just wish they took the KingsGlaive movie, the anime, that shitty Beat Em Up game and just make it a two-part game with the amalgamation of the aforementioned being something of a prequel to Noctic's tale. Noctis dying to save the world would go from being anti-climactic to crazy climactic if we had all the necessary back story to build up to the moment. Instead we got snipits and after thoughts and I know I wasn't the only one going "Um, what? WHAT?!" For as much as I bitch about 15, I like as much as I hate. I look back on a lot of it fondly and genuinely will be playing it again soon. I bought the Windows version awhile ago. Sucks that Comrades got axed though apparently, it might come to PC later down the line after the kinks are worked out (though I won't hold my breath) Just Ardyn.. In the beginning I liked him, at the end I hated him and now there is a DLC and I might as well play it since I own it already and I hope it makes me neutral or even pro-Ardyn. It's fine he didn't give a shit if Noctis knew anything but as the player playing as Noctis, I wanted to know why he was acting like a god damn spaz. That's what foreshadowing and end game villainous speeches are for and it's fine that he broke the mold on that but it shouldn't be up to movies and DLC released years after the fact to help me understand the motives of such an important character. At least give me scenes from the perspectives of other characters having flashbacks or something. I truly wish Ravus and Aranea had more of a role in game and were subordinants to Ardyn because in some way his plan appealed to their motivations. Half my problem is the "just because" mentality that has seemed to be prevalent in Final Fantasy games since 13. I care and want to know why shit happens and for it to matter. To be honest, all this talking about it will probably make me go and play Episode Ardyn now. Also I didn't know Ignis' DLC changed the ending. I thought it would just be about him discovering a new recipe a hundred more times and in a way.. I hoped it would be I will always remember how good the first half of 15 felt. It was too care free sure but it was great while it lasted having a huge open world like that to enjoy. They should have milked it for a lot longer. I think then it wouldn't have felt so abrupt. And maybe cut out 3 of the shorter chapters and just have them as 1 chapter. That shit felt like artifical "See our game is long" bullshit. And yeah same, I missed it too ❤️ Hardly anyone knows as much about FF than you do and for as much of a dick I am about things I do think about things from your perspective. I have weird biases and sometimes I feed them on purpose XD Like Ardyns hat..I hated it. He car was sweet though. It shouldn't have anything to do with his character yet I think about both those things every time I see his smug ass face knowing that behind it is a guy who gave up a long time ago yet still has enough motivation to take over the world he no longer wishes to save and..and.. i'm ranting again. All I know is Arenea is bae and I would have loved a girl power team up set before Luna gets shivved. I like Ardyn more then I like Seymour but I like him far less then I like Vayne. And I fucking love Kuja and I don't know why, I just do XD And Jecht. Why do I like Jecht? I feel like I should dislike him more then I do. I like him WAY MORE then I like Tidus XD Give me a FF10-3 with young Braska, Auron and Jecht. I would play that shit
  10. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    I dunno, even without Jenova Sephiroth is good at killing and stabbing people. He mops the floor with most places he visited. Attributing his success only to Jenova is like attributing Ardyn's success only to the daemons trapped within him. Nevertheless, Noctic dying in the end makes the story of 15 and Ardyn even more unlikable. You're repeatedly told you're being groomed to be a king but in reality, you're being groomed to die as the last of your line. Your friends, fiance, father.. they all die because Ardyn has a hate boner from years ago when he was supposed to take over as king and is essentially having a super drawn out temper tantrum. Sure its one of those shitty moments in animes where the villain puts the protagonist in a situation where he knows the same pain as he does, but like in the vast majority of those stories, the hero answers back with "Yeah, but i'm not a cunt tho" and kills him. Most of the shit Ardyn is whining about Noctis is totally ignorant to. Ardyn giving a summary here and there doesn't mean Noctis learns anything. All he learns is "Wait, so i'm not going to be a king and I have to die to defeat this asshole who killed everyone I cared about ensuring no 'good' ending? Well everything is fucked anyway" *suicides* There is nothing great or deep about that. It's pompous bullshit. Frankly I would have appreciated it more if Ardyn was more vocal about his disdain because it was a classic 'sins of the father' moment and really, I would have preferred senseless killing from someone who stopped caring than someone gathering up all their salt and crushing people who have little to no clue over why he's mad with it. It's fine for us as the player and maybe the DLC will make it feel less shitty, but i've already finished the game so they're going to be doing patchwork on a sunken ship already. there was a lot I liked about FF15 but the many things I didn't like, I still don't like. Ardyn is one of them. Cool you like him for legit reasons, but as it stands I don't. You'd think being granted immortality that he'd set his sights a little higher than killing his brother's descendants or grooming a child to be like him only to kill him rending it all pointless once he understands and is killed or, sacrifices himself and ends the lineage altogether. No one gets to play king anymore. Waah! Fucking stupid. I would have rathered have the beginning section just have a shit tonne of hunts and the game end at Leviathan. Have Ardyn kill Luna and then in a rage Noct kill Ardyn and then have to rationalize all the killing to himself but his bros not die. I mean in the normal ending it's like cool, the endless night is gone. Maybe the remnants of humanity gets to live..but we'll never know. Oh well! lol I will likely play through this again sometime soon but I doubt i'll be changing my mind on much unlike when I replayed FF8, 9 and 10. Its a story about immortal butthurt and killing teenagers because waah. Dumb.
  11. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    I WAS liking him until he just decided to fuck off his 'plan' early and ice Lunafreya on a whim. A which point the whole game itself began to suffer as what was this huge promising journey was stiffled from being phoned in with a quick jump to the future after few short chapters later so future Ardyn could.. what, attack you with a quick time event? And then Lunafreya just live anyways because reasons. (I hope you're ready to deal with some cynicism) I'm not saying he doesn't need a DLC chapter because if anything, he needed more development than anyone but he was just some ominous character til suddenly he just decided he was the main villain because reasons. I really think they could have done better with him. They could have tied in Kingsglaive tighter and really emphasized the double agent super betrayal and revenge plot better but overall he was just so damn unlikeable to me. I was liking him.. even for that long ass car ride but he was kinda just a dick in the end which kinda blows because usually I like the villains though in saying that, perhaps this DLC giving him some much needed development and bolstered motivations will see that change for me. I dunno about him being the most successful either. Ultimecia was vastly more successful, as was Chaos, Kuja, Exdeath, Sephiroth, etc (and I can go on) It's fine to have a difference of opinion here and I acknowledge his lame world domination plan worked out well for him til he decided that QTEs were his ultimate weakness, but I dunno if that really trumps Ultimecia absorbing time, space and existence or Sephiroth just deciding he is about as dead as he feels like being at any given moment after trying to destroy all life on the planet and sail it around the cosmos destroying life everywhere or Kuja ruling two whole planets or Exdeath merging two whole planets, controlling all demons and building a world of "despair".. Ardyn is kind in the low middle and sure, his plan for the most part works til Noctis teleports into the future in a crystal with Bahamut because reasons, but you could also argue that most if not all FF villains would've succeeded if it weren't for the protagonists and most had loftier goals ? I'm glad Ardyn got a DLC, but I think its shitty Square just phoned it in with the DLC and skipped the last one even though many, like myself had already forked out for the season pass. In any even, i'm glad we'll be able to explore Crown City. I hope being set in the past they show more story for Regis and his Kingsglaive dudes. I'd say they needed a DLC too but really, there could have been a prequel game made out of the events of Kingsglaive and I REALLY would have loved fighting Diamond WEAPON. I was disappointed the WEAPONs made no appearance after that.
  12. Shade Aurion

    [Final Fantasy General]

    I truly found him to be one of the most unlikeable villains in the Final Fantasy series. Flip flopping motives, shitty personality, less character development than the black chocobo.. I dunno if this can save him. It might be too little too late. TBH I would have preferred Episode: Lunafreya and be able to rock a team of Luna, Cindy, Iris and Aranaea. That would have ruled!